I have always been a little bit of an introvert. If you met me, you’d most likely disagree, but I manage it well. So, my question is, IS BLOGGING FOR INTROVERTS? My answer is not a straightforward yes or no. It would all depend on how much of an introvert you are and whether or not you can manage your…um…condition :). Here are some things you need to consider BEFORE beginning your blog.
Interaction with people is UNAVOIDABLE! Not just in blogging, but also in life. True, you CAN move to Alaska and begin homesteading and your odds of interacting with people will be MUCH LESS, but let’s not be dramatic!
I think the first and foremost thing to think about when an introvert is deciding to start a blog is, how much interaction with others are you able to handle?
For me, this is not a crippling hurdle. I actually do LIKE people and ENJOY being with them. It’s the first contact that makes me crazy…the awkwardness, the learning curve…what to say, what not to say…it’s all a bit of a puzzle to me.
Let’s look at a few benefits of blogging for introverts.
I am an INTENSELY private person. Want another bit of honesty from me…I don’t want people to know where I am and what I’m doing! This makes Instagram a SERIOUS challenge! There are a few things you’ll need to bite the bullet on and just say, it’s for the sake of the blog.
Try to meet your pain point in the middle with social media because you need it to grow your business. A little bit of discomfort never hurt anyone…too much.
I share fun things online, like my hubby and me being dorks, or something that caught my eye or fascinated me. It’s fun for other people to see, and it’s not too awful for me to open up.
YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF HOW MUCH YOU SHARE! Keep this in mind…YOU’RE THE BOSS! To me, this is a HUGE benefit, not a disadvantage. This would have to be a “plus” for blogging for introverts!
Another great benefit for me about blogging for introverts is that you can QUITE LITERALLY work from anywhere. I guess the only real caveat is that you need an internet connection.
I have done blog posts from the comfort of my RV on the side of a quiet lake. I’ve done the same while my hubby enjoyed his extrovertedness talking to the neighbors at a busy RV park. WHY MUST HE TALK TO EVERYONE?!?!?
I LOVE not having to go into a bustling office and having to deal with people day in and day out. The people I do come in contact with are few and far between, and Glynn has almost always spoken to them anyway removing the awkwardness of first contact!
This is kind of “part b” to the last point, but still gets honorable mention for me. If I’m having an difficult day and not really feeling it as far as interacting with others, I can stay inside ALL DAY and not have to depend on anyone else to finish a project to ensure mine gets finished.
In my former life as a Realtor, this simply WAS NOT THE CASE! I could cross all my “T’s” and dot all my “I’s” and still have to depend on other Realtors, lenders, title agents, brokers, etc. (selling houses is NOT a great life plan for introverts!).
I can work from the privacy and quietness of my home or RV. I can quietly do my own research for blog posts, independently work on graphics, and create and pin my images on Pinterest without EVER having to call, email, or otherwise communicate with any other individuals during the WHOLE process!
From time to time, you will need to interact with others. You will need help getting something done on your blog, or help marketing, or something else. People inevitably want to tell you what would be great for your blog.
Obnoxious as this may be, it does your brand NO GOOD AT ALL to keep to yourself all the time. However, blogging for introverts is a great way to overcome some of the fears you have. You get to chose your level of interaction.
If there’s a subject you’re not comfortable talking about, don’t talk about it. If there’s an actual person that makes you uncomfortable, shorten the conversations. Do your best to not be rude, but just truncate WHAT you say to them. Keep your responses short.
Blogging for introverts doesn’t have to be a painful task though. You will need help along the way. I have found an AWESOME support group with my Create and Go community. Once I purchased their courses, I was invited to join their support groups that were IMMEASURABLY helpful. It was not as painful for me to reach out for help since I knew others in the group were in the same boat as I was.
I also found a great support community in SEVERAL RV forums, since I blog about both RVing and blogging. I do need tips and advice, and I also need the support of others. At least with these communities, the level of interaction is all up to me.
FIND A COMMUNITY that you can be a part of that you can trust and will help you!
So, what’s my conclusion? Obviously, I think blogging for introverts is a FANTASTIC thing! It provides a platform for your voice to be heard, some safe and mild interaction with others, and allows you to do business on your own terms!
If you’d like to learn more about starting your own blog, check out this post for that. If you’d like to learn how bloggers make money, check out this post. You can always check out my blogging resources page for more info.

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