Have you always wanted to build and launch your blog, but just didn’t know where to start? Let me tell you about a product that helped me get mine launched. The product is called Build and Launch Your Blog by Create and Go (C&G for the rest of this post).
I feel like there should be a support group for people like me! In fact, I wish I had a dollar for everyone that’s told me, “you should have your OWN blog, you’d be GREAT!”
Me to support group: “Hi, my name is Becky and I build websites.”
Support Group Participants with droning voices: “Hi Becky.”
Yes, I CAN build websites, but building websites and being a successful blogger are two COMPLETELY different animals! I have built very small (20 pages or less) informational sites for friends and clients for a LONG time. I’m more of a “love ’em and leave ’em” kind of girl…with websites at least.
My clients were always responsible for creating their own content. I COULD build their website but NEVER created the content from scratch.
The idea of creating MY OWN content ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED me!!! Building my own website, no problem…I can do that! But creating my own content week in and week out…that’ll be a BIG FAT NOPE! Getting traffic to a blog was another no-go for me.
Like I said, LOVE ‘EM AND LEAVE ‘EM! This day-in, day-out commitment seemed like a HUGE task that I wasn’t sure I wanted to tackle.
I mean, I WANTED to start my own blog…but GAH…that commitment…I just couldn’t get over the hump.
Plain and simple: TRAVEL! We started traveling more once our kids moved out and I decided I’d like to travel much, MUCH more. Traveling more is tricky when you have location-bound income.
My husband is a hairstylist and I am a realtor. You don’t get much more location-bound than that! But if I could somehow find a way to make money ONLINE, we could travel more.
So, off I went starting my search…”HOW TO MONETIZE A BLOG“. This search led me to the Build and Launch Your Blog course from Create and Go.
Now, I’ll be honest, I didn’t NEED the Build and Launch Your Blog course. I explain this in more detail in my review of C&G’s Pro Blogger Bundle. I bought the Pro Blogger Bundle and the Launch Your Blog course essentially came free in the bundle. At least that’s what I told myself to feel better about spending that chunk of change! 🙂
It took WEEKS of MENTAL ANGUISH (not kidding…I’m a SERIOUS tightwad!) of trying to decide to purchase it or not. I LITERALLY stalked ALL of C&G’s YouTube videos trying to convince myself I didn’t need this particular course. When it came down to it, I decided to get the Pro Blogger Bundle because I wasn’t going to spend any MORE money than I would’ve by just buying the other two courses that were bundled with it at the time.
If YOU didn’t need it, why do I need your opinion because I DO need it? Well, I hear ya! I’d have to say that I have a different perspective. Here’s my genuine opinion, I DID need this course, I just didn’t know it!
The things I learned were invaluable. It teaches foundational stuff like what to write about, click-worthy titles, good posts vs. bad posts, email collection and marketing, necessary plugins, and basic money making and traffic tactics. All of these are skills that I am sadly lacking!
Of course, the curriculum is SO MUCH MORE than just that! Yes, it teaches you to build and launch your blog from scratch with no coding, but its so much more than that!
I think the course creators, Alex and Lauren, are SO THOROUGH in the whole course outline. I honestly believe you could know NOTHING about building websites and successfully launch your blog with their help!
C&G started out as a two-person team, Alex Nerney, and Lauren McManus. From the sound of it, they knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about creating blogs when they began their own health and fitness blog in early 2016 (this was after a short-lived failed blog in fall of 2015).
Professionally, he was a personal trainer and she was an accountant. They met on a dating website. In time, they decided to quit their “soul-sucking” jobs to begin blogging.
According to Alex and Lauren, their first blog utterly failed in late 2015. It wasn’t until they took a leap of faith and quit their day jobs that their second blog began to gain traction. Once it started having some success, they started CreateandGo.co to teach others what they had learned.
They recently released their latest income report which reported made they over $800,000.00 for 2017 blogging, so I’d say it worked for them!
As an interesting bonus for me, they made it as they traveled the world blogging remotely. Now THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! #goals
So what’s the course all about?

Screenshot of one of the modules.
Here’s what to expect when you go through the Build and Launch Your Blog course.
- Navigating and Understanding WordPress (Basic overview of how it works and setting up domain and hosting walkthrough)
- WordPress Themes (basic overview and how to set up)
- Theme Tutorials (theme recommendations and 4 theme tutorials)
- Perfecting your Blog’s Visual Appeal (where to get images, how to create custom images, and how to optimize them to keep your website working properly)
- Blog Content Strategies (what to write about and other tips)
- Email Marketing Introduction and Setup (how to setup necessary accounts and walkthrough software)
- Email Collection (more email theory)
- Writing Emails (even more email theory…I’m beginning to think this is VERY IMPORTANT!)
- Skills, Hacks, and Resources for Beginner Bloggers (other useful things)
- Setting up Social Media (literally)
- LAUNCH! (checklist and advice)
- Bonus Content (logos & legal stuff)
- Next Steps Bonus (taste of Make Money Blogging Course)
- Bonus – Pinterest Traffic Avalanche (taste of PTA Course)
- Become an Affiliate (how to make money with C&G)
It is self-paced but designed to be done in a month. I took three months building my blog, working alone on it, part-time.
My father-in-law passed away right after I finished Six Figure Blogger. Naturally, that took the wind out of my sails for a few weeks. I’m also a perfectionist when it comes to how my blog looks and functions, so I wanted everything right.
I watched the videos…even the ones I felt I didn’t need. You start to feel like you know Alex and Lauren. He seems to be the fun, party boy type and Lauren is very much an accountant type person! She seems to have a laid-back personality, but also seems very driven.
I like listening to and learning from both of them. They laugh when they make mistakes and are HONEST about their SHORTCOMINGS during the videos. In all honesty, they do have some idiosyncrasies that are frustrating at times, but so does my mom and I still love her! 🙂
It’s AWESOME that the course is mostly made up of videos, too. You can skip back and forth between videos as needed as well as pause and rewind each lesson.
They give you PLENTY of printables too if you are a printable type. If not, you can download them for future reference. I keep some of them in my Google Drive for future reference.
Just in case you struggle with understanding anything in the videos, they have corresponding Facebook communities for each course. People have asked both simple and complicated questions. No one judges, no one laughs or makes fun. It’s just a SAFE PLACE for FREE advice and encouragement. I actually like reading through the questions and comments.
Here’s my advice: if you’re on the fence about buying the whole Pro Blogger Bundle, buy this course first! It’s their introductory course and their cheapest one.
As a bonus for buying Build and Launch Your Blog, you get a free taste of Make Money Blogging for Beginners and Pinterest Traffic Avalanche. It’s a great way to launch your blog, and possibly launch your blog in one month or less depending on your time commitment!
Would I buy it again? ABSOLUTELY! I would, and pretty much DO tell anyone that I meet that I would! It’s NOT ONLY worth what you pay for it but worth SO MUCH MORE. The help in their FB group is worth the price of the course alone!
I’ll leave you with this thought if $97 made the difference in you being able to start your online business or not, wouldn’t it be worth it to spend the money and have the potential to make it back ASAP? This is ULTIMATELY the question I had to ask myself WHICH LEAD ME TO BUY IT!
Click here to purchase the Build and Launch Your Blog course.
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