If you’ve read any of my posts, you know I have a small camper. It’s a 21′ Keystone Hideout. Three of those feet are tongue length, so we actually live in 17′ of space. If you think we don’t know some RV storage ideas, you’ve GOT to be kidding! 🙂
So, what can you do when you’re used to living in a MUCH larger space? Take it from a former Container Store employee, you’ve got to learn to maximize your space. Being organized is key to your SANITY when living in small spaces! Here are a few RV storage ideas we’ve used in our camper.
If you really want to maximize space when you’re looking for RV storage ideas, ESPECIALLY in cabinets or cubby holes, you’ve GOT to use the verticle space. Instead of cramming chips or boxes of stuff in the kitchen cabinet, get some magazine bins to compartmentalize.

Multi-purpose bins use vertical space well. They make it easy to categorize contents. We have one for picnic supplies, chips, drink mixes/coffee, popcorn and other snacks, and one for Ziplocs/wraps. They are normally packed to the top of the cabinet when we’re on the go.
I get these multi-purpose bins from Container Store because they’re super cheap and I LOVE THEM (I really do, I have like 10,000 in my pantry)! If you don’t have a Container Store near you, they will ship the products to you, and even run free shipping specials several times per year.
You can easily find similar ones on Amazon. If my cabinets were taller, I’d probably use stackable containers more like this.

Pardon the unapproved using of the Sharpie! Gotta get the Cricut out and cute that lettering up! We use these for shower supplies when we go to the bathhouse, and clearly for first aid, too.
If all else fails, you can use trusty old shoe bins that can be purchased pretty much anywhere. I bought these by the case at Container Store (you can use them for EVERYTHING).
When looking for RV storage ideas, think outside the box. Can you use the end of a cabinet for something?
We added this can storage to the side of our cabinet near our stove. We got ours from Walmart and it was super easy to install. Since Glynn has gone on a plant-based diet, we usually stock up with cans right before a trip. This side cabinet is perfect for the cans though, as it’s an otherwise unused space.
If you don’t use cans, I could easily see using this space for shoe storage or maybe a great place for kitchen wraps/Ziplocs. If you have small kids, this would be a great place for activity containers. There’s no need to waste space when you don’t have it to waste!

Key storage is just inside the door. We use this for keys (obviously), flashlights, a magnetic level, and any pertinent papers from our RV park.
We also use the end of the top cabinet for key/flashlight storage. I don’t remember where we bought ours last year, but here’s one on Amazon.
I’ve also seen images of people using bathroom towel rods for shoe storage inside their door on the side of the cabinet for shoe storage. This is a FANTASTIC idea because it’s not a commonly used space, and a GREAT RV storage idea.
Do you have a vent hood above your stove? This is a great place for magnetic storage. We use these for our spices, but could be used for lots of small items.

Magnetic spice tins can also hold knick-knacks. You could leave the lids clear and put decorative seashells in them, or they could store medicine. I used a vinyl cutter to make labels.
There are also magnetic hooks. You could hang kitchen towels or potholders from one of these.
This is closely related to my first point. It’s my personal opinion that you can never have enough bins when looking for RV storage ideas! This could be from the previously mentioned condition of being a former Container Store employee, nonetheless, you can never have enough bins. Use bins in unusable spaces.
These bins would be GREAT if you have a pantry that doesn’t utilize vertical space. The handles turn inwards to make them stack and they come in various sizes (I linked the medium). We use the top one for our Tupperware containers and our one skillet. The bottom one is for cards, dice, colored pencils, and a coloring book! 🙂
We store bedding for our “guest” bed in these containers under our dining bench. If we were full-timers, we’d most likely put seasonal clothing in these. I will eventually have bins for our under-seat storage but haven’t had the time or money to do that yet.

Under bench storage.
I will also eventually use some sort of open bin affixed to the wall for towel storage. I’ve also seen people use wine racks as towels storage. I’ll probably figure something out this camping season and update this post when it happens.
Don’t forget when looking for RV storage ideas that you are living in a moving vehicle. I know there are some who get their RVs and park it for months at a time, but most people have to move them at least once a year or so.
We realized after one or two trips that our mirror likes to swing open while traveling. We fixed this with a couple of little hooks that you can find pretty much anywhere and a bungee cord. Plus, bungees are like duct tape and zip ties…you can never have enough of them!
Until recently, we cleared our counters before heading home EVERY TIME! That is until learned about using sticky-backed velcro to secure items onto your counter. This has worked well for our cooking utensils. I may try these with the coffee maker too.

Sticky-backed velcro secures the bucket for our kitchen utensils.
Now we still have to clear the counters off, but I’m working on other ideas such as under-counter paper towel holder. I use this one at home and LOVE it! I just haven’t gotten around to getting it!
Those WalMart bags…you gotta love ’em! Nah…you really don’t, but you can’t live without them! We keep them and reuse them for multiple reasons. I took a Gatorade bottle and cut the bottom off of it. I like to store those baggies rolled up and inside the modified bottle.
If Austin and his dog come with us, he can take a bag with him when he walks the dog. We use the bags to take food over to our friend’s place to cook, etc. I don’t have to tell you, I’m sure you have your own unique uses for the bags. This is just another creative RV storage idea for inside the camper.
We saw this modification online and couldn’t wait to try it. You can see ours isn’t all that organized right now, but we should be going fishing soon, so we need to get this under control. Glynn just took a piece of 1×4 and used a hole saw like this one to cut the holes. He just used “L” brackets to secure them to the under storage area. I also store my broom here.

Fishing Rod Storage
One last modification we made was this one. Our camper came with a closet rod in this “closet.” Since we don’t really intend on EVER getting too dressed up while camping, he took the closet rod out and replaced it with shelves. In retrospect, I would’ve liked one more shelf, but we make it work ok.
If you click the picture, you can see underneath the top shelf how he secured it to the wall. He just made simple cleats with 1×2’s on both sides and back and used 1″ brad nails to secure the shelves to the cleats.
What matters about all of this is that you have to find what works for you. I am short…like 5’2″ short. Our laundry basket goes under our bed. I’m almost too short to reach in there to get it without falling in. I want to modify the paneling under our bed to be open with a long bungee cord keeping the laundry basket in place.
Your camper may be larger with more storage, but bins would still work for you. I have friends with larger campers and modifications just seem to be part of every camper’s journey.
Do you have any RV storage ideas you can share? Feel free to leave comments.
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[…] folks at homeiswherewetakeit came up with this unusual, but fascinating idea. “When looking for RV storage ideas, think […]
Check out this link! It’s a great newsletter for RVers of all sorts!
I use 3M Command strips and hooks everywhere!! 4 hooks in my shower to hang wet towels, they make a soap dish for shower, a tp holder, and a towel bar! I also use the strips to hang decorative things on the walls. Taking things down leaves no mark or residue. Love them!
We also live in 17 feet in our new wolf pup it had some good and some bad features one is there is no sink in the bath for my husband to shave (I will have to come up with an idea soon) there is no closet, no drawer space and no opening under the dining seats to reach the storage area.. we had our son build us two cabinets over the bed area, and fixed two doors to access the dining area, we eliminated the vent over the bed so no leaks in the future.. I want to change the water heater and incorporate some of the space under the bed area for drawers for clothing. I’m 72 and don’t clime well any more.. no window in the door, so no leaks there , it has a slide out for the dining and sofa area which gives us room to walk past each other, I will eventually change the kitchen sink (to small) and ad solar panels but not mounted to my roof.. the more holes the more leaks in the future, I will take into consideration many of your ideas as well Thanks please let me know if you have any ideas on the bath sink if you have any, Mary
Hey Mary! The main ideas I have for bath sinks and things you would use there is bins, bins, bins! I use bins for EVERYTHING in my tiny camper! They enable you to sort of categorize your belongings and group them together by use. You can see in this post where I used shoe boxes under my bathroom sink for our bath stuff. If I didn’t have a bathroom sink, I’d probably use the magazine bins to store bathroom stuff and put it in the kitchen. If all else fails, make use of vertical space. Build shallow shelves on any blank walls you have! Maybe you could have some kind of portable wash station for him like your parents probably had when they were young…like a “wash basin,” but Tupperware so you can stow it out of view every day (it could also store his shave necessities in it). I wish I had a slide out like you! Also, check out https://rvinspiration.com for ideas on storage. Ashley has some great ideas over there!
[…] Check out my post about getting your camper organized here. […]
[…] feel like a link to my “Get Organized” post is in order here! I have a lot of links in that post to my best […]
I have been trying to decide what to do with the mirrored sliding doors of the closet . I was thinking of accordion doors. Grommet curtains won’t keep stuff from falling out. Any ideas??
Hmm…that’s a great question! I can’t imagine changing the doors would affect the way the interior of the closet functions, but not sure on that one. A quick Google search lead me to my friend Ashley Mann’s site. Check out her suggestions on RV Inspiration: https://rvinspiration.com/decorate/mirror-closet-sliding-door-makeover-ideas/. I like her idea at the bottom where she made the doors into shoji screens! 🙂 If you’re on FB, post pics on my FB page. I’d love to see what you do!
I took a Over -The – Door – Hook – Rail (for hanging things on the back of doors) & I hung it on the inside of my kitchen cabinet under my sink, I hang a Walmart bags for garbage, (because I have no room for a trash can) I use the other hooks for hanging a flashlight, a draw string bag of wooden cloths pins for clapping things closed. And I got it brand new at Goodwill for $5.99
That’s AWESOME! I always forget to mention Goodwill, but it’s a great place to start when you’re hunting for organizational stuff! Thanks for the tip!!!
I love the idea of putting shelves in the closet cabinet. What did you use to secure the 1×2’s to the sides and back wall?
Hey Jennifer! We secured them into the support structure of the closet with (most likely) 1/2″ or smaller screws. The closet itself is made of 1×2 material, so we just used that to screw into. The closet is only about 2′ tall x 1′ deep x 1′ wide, so it’s tiny!!! If I couldn’t use screws, I’d try brad nails. Hope that helps!
I have two other ways I store plastic grocery bags. I stuff them as I get them into an empty tissue box (rectangular type) or tuck them into an empty, round, plastic antiseptic wipe ( or disinfectant wipe) container. If you do it carefully, you can even be able to pull them out like you did the wipes (lid on), but I tend to just stuff them into the container, and pop off the lid when i need one. Thanks for your other great ideas. I too use lots of containers for storage in our full time fifth wheel.
That’s a great idea! We call those “SANICLOTHS,” but say it like SANTI CLAUSE…gotta love southerners! I have a package I’m almost done with now. I may take it to the camper! I bet you could screw a large hose clamp to a cabinet and mount it inside (or outside) of the cabinet! Thanks for the tip!!!
These are great ideas and I use many of them. I totally agree with the bins. I also use Command hooks everywhere!! Just inside the door I have 2…one for keys and one for dog’s leash. I also have one for fly swatter. In bathroom I have them for hand towel by sink and also for big towels to dry. In bedroom I have one for my house coat or swim cover up. (They are long and bulky to fit in closet). And I have a couple on the bedroom wall for my husband’s baseball hats. This keeps them from cluttering up every surface in the trailer…lol
Those are great ideas, too! We have a key hook/mail holder just inside our door. We tend to hang our keys and sunglasses from it. The mail part holds important park info like the brochure they sometimes give with wifi and bathroom codes. Thanks, Lori!
in bathroom and kitchen cabinets, i found that there are easily removed thin wood panels that are put there to protect pipes, wires and duct tubes. When removed, I discovered large areas of usable storage. I just moved/secured the wood panels closer to the pipes, wires, etc. then used the new open space for storage.
That’s FANTASTIC!!! Our wood panel in the bathroom has been loose. I noticed a little unused storage space there as well…I feel another blog post coming on! 🙂
Thank you for this article. I especially appreciate the tip for storing the fishing rods as my husband always wants to keep them inside the camper.
You’re welcome! I’m glad you found it useful!
We have a 13’ 1974 Boler. As an emergency’s bathroom we use a five gallon pail. I cut the circle out of the center part of the original cover…kept the middle and threw away the outside ring. Then I put four large rolls of Toilet paper in the bottom and hand sanitizer and bum wipes… dropped the center cutout of the original pail cover on top…creating a false floor! Now I put Double layered white garbage bags or compostable bag…we use shavings in the bottom to absorb liquids…works far better than cat litter. We purchased a Lug a loo seat with cover…snap it on! VOILA! For the paper holder…I bought one at CTC which is designed to hook over the toilet tank…Fastened it to either the bucket or a cupboard door…tadah! We also use these pails with swivel hunting seats from CTC that snap on! Very comfy. Store tools, first aid kit…etc….handy and multi purpose especially good for boler users!
Another GREAT tip! That’s awesome! Yeah, there’s not much room in a 13′ for a bathroom…you’re so creative to think of that! Thanks for commenting!
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What a GREAT idea! We will do that from now on! Thanks for the comment!!!
we made some changes to our 17 foot wolf pup last year and have a few planned again for this year, last year we installed our tv but with no storage for cd’s we removed the built in shelf at the end of the bed ( just a few screws) cut it down to size and mounted it under the tv, then we cut a piece of plexi to fit the shelf and use it when we move the trailer and it secures the cd’s from flying off of the shelf and onto the floor, we also used plexi (great stuff) on the inside of the screen door to keep the dog from putting holes in the screening when she gets excited from strangers passing by…. this year we are planning to put some coat hooks under the shelf to hold coats ,sweaters and etc….and as a bonus for removing the shelf by the bed we can now fit a full size queen mattress in that space, a total win win.
I love that! I want to try plexi on some bigger projects around home and have just been intimidated by it! Thanks for sharing!
[…] RV Storage Ideas – Let’s Get Organized! homeiswherewetake… […]
We converted the space under our bed into a dog crate. We can still lift the bed or use the sliding door my husband installed when he removed the front panel like you mentioned.
I just don’t understand why designers don’t make that space more user friendly! RVers are already at such a space disadvantage that you’d think a designer would come along and say, “let’s make the most efficiently spaced RV on the market! They’d make a FORTUNE!
BTW, I LOVE the idea of a dog crate in that space! We have some friends that traveled with cats and made a cubby in the bathroom into the kitty litter holding area. Gotta think outside the box sometimes!
Hi there,great tips! Just wondering how did you secure the cleats to the side walls inside the cabinet? We want to do this with our pantry because there are no shelves at all. Thx
Ok…so I had to actually look to see what he did. Our camper had vertical supports, so he screwed the horizontal shelf supports into the vertical pieces that were there. I’ll see if I can add a picture. I had to actually go over there to see! 😉
It’s not pretty, but it works and no one ever sees it!
I like your ideas but putting spices in the magnet containers over the stove on the fan I find the spices don’t keep their intensity.
Great article. Thanks. Here is how I fold the grocery plastic bags. Works great and they fit nicely into your pocket when you walk the dog. http://mousechirpy-polkadotpineapple.blogspot.com/2009/03/grandmothers-apron-carryall.html